Wednesday, 10 February 2016

My Top 5 Favourite YouTubers

Watching YouTube is one of my favourite things to do. I really enjoy  watching people's day to day lives in their vlogs and I think you can find channels on YouTube that will suit everybody! I'm going to write about my Top 5 favourite YouTubers and explain a bit about them and the type of content on their channels. I'll also be mentioning a few other YouTubers who I love but just didn't make it into my Top 5!

1. Zoella
Zoella is a British YouTuber who posts videos about beauty, fashion, baking and challenges. I love watching Zoe's videos beacause she has such a great personality and you can see she really enjoys making her videos. I would definitely recommend checking out her channel because there are videos that everyone will like, whether it's a hilarious collaboration video with another YouTuber or her everyday makeup routine. I also love watching her vlogging channel MoreZoella where she posts vlogs about her day. After just hitting 10 million subscribers she has a huge fan base and is definitely a YouTuber I love!

Above is a video Zoella posted about her 2015 Beauty Favourites.

2. MyLifeAsEva
Eva is a hilarious, American YouTuber who posts a variety of different videos on her channel. She has 5 million subscribers and gets around 3 million views per video. Eva posts a lot of relatable and collaboration videos that make you cry with laughter when you watch them. Because Eva does a lot of collaboration videos you will also discover some new YouTubers aswell!

Image result for mylifeasevaImage result for mylifeaseva 2015

3. Tanya Burr
Tanya's YouTube channel is about baking, beauty and fashion. I love watching her videos beacause you learn lots of tips and tricks whether it's about baking or beauty! I think she is a fantastic YouTuber to watch with a lovely personality. I would also recommend checking out her husbands channel Jim Chapman. He posts challenge and collaboration videos that are really funny and I'm sure both boys and girls would enjoy his videos.

Above is Tanya's January Favourites 2016

4. PointlessBlogVlogs
Alfie Deyes posts vlogs every single day on his channel about his daily life. Vlogs are one of my favourite types of videos to watch on YouTube because I love seeing what people get up to during in the day and how even though they're so famous they still live (pretty) normal lives!
Since Zoella is Alfie's girlfriend she features a lot in his vlogs as well ,which I love! Alfie also has a main channel where he posts more planned and structured videos called PointlessBlog. If you enjoy watching Alfie's videos I would recommend viewing his friend Marcus Butler's channel because I think that they're quite similar!
Image result for alfie deyes

5.  Bethany Mota
Bethany Mota is an American YouTuber who posts about beauty, style and relatable videos. She has her own clothing line which is sold in Aeropostale shops across America. Bethany has a bubbly personality and I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy watching her videos. She has over 9.5 million subscribers to her channel and is someone who I would definitely recommend checking out!
Image result for bethany mota 2015Image result for bethany mota 2015

I hope you enjoyed reading my little summary of My Top 5 Favourite YouTubers. There are so many other YouTubers that I love watching as well and it was really difficult to pick just five! I think different people will like different YouTubers depending on their likes and dislikes so you just have to find one that suits you! Thanks again for reading,

Róisín x 

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